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Michin Aquarium is a unique space full of fun, where you can surprise yourself with hundreds of different species, play with our interactive games and experience great emotions in our other attractions. Get to know some of the most representative species of our country and the world up close in our 5 pavilions.


Promote the care, protection and conservation of biodiversity, inspired by the worldview of the indigenous cultures of México.

Camaleones de Jackson
nutrias de río


To be a key actor worldwide in the promotion and teaching of environmental sustainability.

Quienes Somos
Quienes Somos



Communion with the indigenous worldview


Respect for biodiversity


Social and educational responsibility


Ecological awareness


Michin Aquarium is home to almost 10,000 live organisms, all of them under the care of our experts 24 hours a day. Also acts as a refuge for rescue species that have been saved for the environmental authorities, for its care and recovery.
We care a lot about the environment, so we have reproduction programs of Mexican species, such as the axolotl and river otter.
We work hand to hand with important actors for research and conservation of different species, public and private institutions such as universities, civil associations, environmental authorities and others.
In this way, we have the commitment with institutions and projects such as:


Axolotes de Jalisco

Help us with your assistance and together we can prevent their extinction!
The Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is a worldwide known animal for its unique characteristics that has been distinguished since the prehispanic times until our days. Jalisco is home of other tree species of axolotl, besides its ecological importance there is not enough information about its biology, ecology and genetic…


Come and meet these extraordinary habitants of Michin Puebla!
Stingless bees and 100% Mexicans are called Melipona’s bees.
Did you know that they existed?
It is a group of bees called “Meliponinos” and thanks to their unique pollination work we can enjoy different fruits such as coffee and habanero, among others.
These bees are positive and very important to maintain the biodiversity of our country…

Banco de Tapitas Michin

The Tapitas Bank in Michin

Recycle and save lives!
Michin’s Heart is now available to collect caps from all those interested and help as many children as possible to buy the necessary medicine for their cancer treatment.
Likewise, the Michin Aquarium participates to make the dreams of the children benefited by Tapitas Bank come true, by participating in the project: “Uncover your dream”…

Michin Pelagios

Michin Aquarium shares the same conservation DNA as Pelagios Kakunjá, it is a non-profit organization created in 2010 by Mexican scientists Mauricio Hoyos and James Ketchum dedicated to the study and protection of sharks and rays in México.
For this reason, we join forces and add actions in favor of the improvement of the environment, conservation, especially the marine ecosystem and its incredible sharks, crucial links in the balance of the oceans.

Michin Pelagios

Ecofriend Michin

At Acuario Michin we are looking for companies that care about the environment and the preservation of different forms of life through their daily actions.
We know that by joining forces we can raise awareness to help conserve our planet. If you know an environmentally friendly company or are part of one of them, we invite you to be our EcoFriend Michin!

Meet the organizations that are part of the change. Sign up for this great program and get incredible benefits.

  • Business alliances
  • Discounts 
  • Live broadcasts
  • Advertising for your brand


These are the companies and organizations concerned with the conservation of our planet: